Company API
Qualify your customer and prospect records... in 1 click
SIRET, NAF, verified postal address, identity record...
Data Quality BtoB
crée des synergies nouvelles au service de votre performance.
connaissance client
Activation marketing / Communication
#risk management
From your software, view customer and supplier key financial indicators… from our data assets. Retrieve precise data: all tax return data values including the bottom line and Interim Management Balances for every available year. Also benefit from exclusive data: financial scores, failure scores, scored turnover…
Depending on your sales directives, you can consider automatic checking processes and define business rules. For example, for new customers who have a “risk” failure score, the process asks the customer for a 50% down payment on orders.
#employee experience
Everything is centralized on your software! Your sales administration, purchasing and accounts teams can therefore spend more time on higher value added tasks and avoid wasting time looking for information. It is also the guarantee of using quality data.
Paying service(s): output (per result)
Paying Service(s): output (each)
Paying Service(s): per call
Free Service(s)
Combine several APIs for better process flows
For example:
1- /api/Company/RechercheMultiple (free API) : to find the corresponding business from a list of establishments
2- /api/Company/byId/{id} (pay API) : to get the SIREN registration number
3- /api/DonneesFinancieres/bilan/light (pay API) : used to get the 20 key financial indicators for the 5 last financial statements
Our customers who use the financial Data API are also interested by
Qualify your customer and prospect records... in 1 click
SIRET, NAF, verified postal address, identity record...
Data Quality BtoB
Enrich your “decider” contact business records
Last name, first name, position...
Data Quality BtoB
Simplify filling in your Web forms
Only 2 fields to enter
Data Quality BtoB
Check email address entry
Email address validity
Data Quality BtoB