Company API
Qualify your customer and prospect records... in 1 click
SIRET, NAF, verified postal address, identity record...
Data Quality BtoB
crée des synergies nouvelles au service de votre performance.
connaissance client
Activation marketing / Communication
#daily event alert by email
To reduce your outstanding invoices and avoid the interruption of your deliveries (due to a bankruptcy petition from a strategic supplier for example), you can closely monitor the third parties you do business with. With our email alert system, you will be up to date on everything about the financial standing of your customers and suppliers at any given moment. You will receive alerts every day if something occurs (removal, deregistration, bankruptcy proceedings, solvency score change) on the list of your monitored companies.
#new business detection
From a customer/prospect with a solvency score that turns “green” and a change in management or economic activity classification (NAF) code to business relocations and trademark applications, so many commercial opportunities can be lost if you do not receive the right information at the right time. With our solution, you will receive daily alerts about the latest tracked events involving your monitored companies.
#simple and thorough configuration
Create as many monitored company portfolios as you want (example: VIP customers, high-potential prospects, competitors, suppliers, etc.). For each portfolio, select the events earmarked for alerts and the alert recipients (email addresses). Quickly and easily add new companies to your portfolios. Also, receive the complete event history for each portfolio.
Paying Service(s): per call
Make sure to continuously automate the updates concerning third parties you do business with in your information systems (CRM or others)
/api/Alertes/Sent/{idImport}: used to obtain the list of sent alerts/events to be imported on to a selected date range
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Qualify your customer and prospect records... in 1 click
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Data Quality BtoB
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Data Quality BtoB
Avoid IBAN entry errors and bank transfer fraud
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